2018 BIC Results (Scotland)

What you see above is my attempt to extract just the Scottish results from the weekend's Championships. I'm fairly sure it's right but if anyone notices an error, please accept my apologies and let me know what needs to change.
Where the Scotland bowler(s) scored a win, the Scottish score is shown in bright red. Where the Scotland bowler(s) drew, both scores are shown in a slightly duller red. I hope this will help to highlight the successes. I've used the BIC team nomenclature, i.e. Premier and A which translate to our A and B, and named the skips to identify each team Rink.
I like to focus on the positives. Notable performers were Sandy McDonald's rink who scored 3 wins out of 6, and Jimmy Broatch's rink who scored 2 wins and 2 draws from their 6 matches. However, there's a smattering of encouraging results throughout, and a considerable number of wins against England.
It's worth mentioning what we all already know: that plain numbers don't always reflect the play or how hard-fought a match might have been. Speaking from personal experience, in Sunday's A team Rinks match against the Irish, our result of 9-17 really does not tell the whole story. We were sitting at 9-9 after seven ends. Sadly for us, the Irish scored two threes and a two in the last three ends. I'm sure there will be other similar stories. What that DOES tell us is that we need to re-double our efforts to finish strongly, to do all we can to avoid multiple-shot scores against us, and so turn hard-fought losses like that into wins. Nevertheless, it's worth taking encouragement from any match where we make the Irish think a bit!
David McH.