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Office Bearers

President - Debbie Cochrane (Stewartry)

Vice President/Treasurer - Graeme Allan (Grampian)

Junior Vice President - Paul Geddes (Lockerbie)

Secretary - Fred Wyness (Loriston)


General Committee

Dennis Eddie (Mallaig) - Umpire Co-ordinator

Alan Masson (Grampian) - Social Media Co-ordinator

Alex Higgins (Stranraer)

Gary Stewart (Thornhill)

Sandy McDonald (Grampian)

Sharon Farmer (Tain)

Stuart Hiddleston (Thornhill)


Selection Committee

President (Debbie Cochrane)

Vice President (Graeme Allan)

Junior Vice President (Paul Geddes)

Alex Higgins (Stranraer)

Sandy MacDonald (Aberdeen)

Stuart Hiddleston (Thornhill)

You can use the form below to contact the SSMBF committee members above:

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© 2017 Scottish Short Mat Bowls Federation. Created for the SSMBF by David McHutchison using

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